He was so courteous and
seemed so needy! The "prescription" he held in his hand added to his plea which began, "I'm just out of the
hospital:…!" But I was in a hurry to enter Brookville Market
so I replied, "I'm sorry but….!" I was in the market only
long enough to feel the pangs of guilt. Thus as I left the store I
felt compelled to hear his story. He stated that he had been
hospitalized for attempted suicide, that the prescriptions for
Clonszepan and Zoloft were $30 each and that it would take a few days
for Medicaid to provide payment. Since I was somewhat acquainted with
both drugs and depression it all seems so logical, and I pulled out
my wallet to help. Yet his statement of the cost of the medicines
made me somewhat suspicious so I invited him to go to the nearby CVS
to see about getting the prescription filled for him. He stated,
however, the prescription had to be filled at Walgreen's and so we
turned to go to the nearby Walgreen's and I asked to see the
prescription. With this he turned with an abrupt, "Oh forget
I'd promised that my last
blog before traveling for a month would be about, WHY AN AGNOSTIC
ATHEIST ATTENDS TWO CHURCHES, but distractions like this get in the
way. I promise to return to more intellectual ranting and raving
when I return in October. I hope you'll check it out.
Very insightful, Ron. A lot of the homeless people in this area expect to be given something, as if society owes them. When we try to geniuinely help them, they become very defensive and often times get irritated and angry. I believe you definitely made the right move, instead of giving money that was going to be used for something than what they say.