Thursday, July 28, 2016

Something to really rave about at ninety!

I truly never thought I would live to see it! How much America has changed since I first left the womb in 1925!  REGARDLESS of any political affiliation, it was truly a miracle for me to hear the eloquence of an African American who has been president of OUR country for eight years speak on behalf of a woman who has been nominated to be president of our country.

It has been my privilege to volunteer for the past 7 1/2 years at the White House Visitors Center welcoming people coming to the White House expressing pride and interest in our country. I HAVE BEEN OVERWHELMED by the number of African Americans - from individuals to proud large family reunions - eager to enter the WHITE House where someone of their race is head of the house and the country.  

How remarkable now that I might also live to see a woman become president!  IT WAS BUT FIVE YEARS BEFORE I WAS BORN that a woman could even vote in a presidential election.

Whatever happens in this election, I have to remain confident that my country is continuing on the path of truly becoming exceptional in ways never before seen in this world.   

1 comment:

  1. you do know the technology exists to fabricate dreams and visions.
