Sunday, May 31, 2020

A look at thew local and world scene

Once again the sporting world and sports writers specifically provide clear insight into the American cultural scene. This time it is magnificently done by Sally Jenkins in her Washington Post article, "A knee on the turf or a knee on the neck. The choice is ours." It compels me to follow the leadership of young people to take action. I must, however, realize that my 94 years prohibits my joining them peacefully protesting at the White House. I can, however, once again encourage them and Americans to join me in:

Pledging to both stand and kneel at sporting events whenever the National Anthem is played until there is adequate recognition and amelioration of our nation's discriminatory practices. In so doing I feel I not only show respect for my country but also my recognition of its racial discriminatory practices in the nation's past and present.


  1. Have you considered standing for president, Ron?

    1. I've been so busy, John, that I just ran across this. I'll run the "risk" of giving you my email address so we might communicate better that way. The only comment I might make on running for president is that ANYONE in the world would be an improvement on what we have now. Which of our two countries are in worse shape?
