Thursday, July 23, 2020

Some may call it socialism, but......

.......I call it good government!

That's what I felt when the owner of Cleveland Park's

Transcendence-Perfection-Bliss of the Beyond - Toy Store

told me that one of the contributing factors to her being able to endure the trauma of the Covid scourge was the D. C. Small Business Micro Grant that she, along with 7,000 other small business owners, received. What a marvelous example of the type of service that a caring government can provide.

Bliss” as it is affectionately known in the Cleveland Park neighborhood has for many years, made it possible for area residents to conveniently purchase fine quality toys, cards and other gift items. How grateful we should be that government leaders have helped keep small, serving businesses like hers alive.

How important it is that we get beyond labels and look to leaders who will work to solve problems rather than cast blame.

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