is my pleasure and honor to lead the reading of the following prayer
at the Bat Mitzvah service of "granddaughter" Sadie Foer
tomorrow. I feel it magnificently represents the prayer of all of us
at this most critical time for our country. Yet knowing the
commitment of Sadie – and thousands of other young people I have
known in my lifetime – I have every confidence that with their
leadership and values our nation will endure with values and morals
in tact.
Please join
me in reading this telling and timely
for our Country
Our God and God of our
ancestors with mercy accept our prayer on behalf of our country and
its government.
Pour out your blessed
upon this land, upon its inhabitants upon its leaders, its judges,
officers, and officials who faithfully devote themselves to the needs
of the public.
Help them understand the
rules of justice you have decreed so that peace and security,
happiness and freedom, will never depart from our land.
Ad-don-i – God,
whose spirit is in all creatures, we pray that your spirit be
awakened within all the inhabitants of our land. Uproot from our
hearts hatred and malice, jealousy and strife. Plant love and
companionship, peace and friendship among the many peoples and faiths
who dwell in our nation. Grant us the knowledge to judge justly, the
wisdom to act with compassion, and the understanding and courage to
root out poverty from our land.
May it be your
will that our land be a blessing to all who dwell on earth, and may
you cause all people to dwell in friendship and freedom. Speedily
fulfill the vision of your prophets: "Nation shall not
lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war anymore."
“For all of
them, from the least of them to the greatest, shall know me.”
And let us
*Spelling adjusted for
pronunciation sake.
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