Monday, October 28, 2019

The final life lessons by this 93 year oldster from the world series

I know "It ain't over until the last out" but who cares, win or lose, its been a great experience for true baseball fans.  Thus, first, the most important of all the 13 lessons I've pondered regarding this years Nats team:

9.   More important than winning or losing is playing in the game!
10. Baseball, including its sister, softball, is a truly unique game involving people representing a wide variety of individual body types, skills of individual performance as well as sacrificing for the team.
11. Unfortunately when sporting events that could involve the whole family come into conflict with economic concerns, economic reality wins out.
12. Is it not the only sport/event in which one can fail to execute a skill 2/3 of the time and still be considered extremely successful.
13. The importance of leadership in building morale has been totally exemplified by a committed leader (Davy) through apparent integrity, commitment. perseverance and trust.  How vital are these characteristics on the world scene.

I'm sure YOU could add many more but I am done.  I hope there are two more nights of viewing (how I'd love to see a day game again), but life goes on and I'll find other things to Rant about.

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