Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ron's Rant #4 - The last blog until.....

 Ron's Rant # 4 - The last blog… Until…

…...I find a new way, among the thousands of Reddit sites (or some other vehicle) to communicate with young people. Of course my definition of young people for this last blog, is anyone 93 years age or younger; my peers who are 94 years of age. People who are 95 years of age or older are truly old, and that will be me just a few months. I hope to reach them all in my new “uncensored vehicle": DISCUSSION WITH 94 YEAR OLD RON!
I had intended to consider two rather intense topics for this last Rant to EVERYONE: REPARATIONS and INSTITUTIONAL RACISM. Knowing that might be censored, I have chosen a single, much simpler subject HOW I DISCOVERED THE BEST WAY TO AVOID BIASED MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA REPORTING. IT'S SIMPLE: I recommend.listening ONLY to National Public Radio and Television. And perhaps C-Span. For some very practical reasons, I have continued listening to the 4 major channels, sport networks (Esp. Big 10) and recent upstarts like MSNBC and CNN.
My new and old fashioned devices (including ear pieces) now go to “Gov't Sponsored Programming and while there might still be some bias, I feel much better informed about the new and old issues that truly matter.
I have a person to turn to for help soon to start again. I'll let you know so you will be among the first to hear me expound on those two perplexing issues.
"Til we meet again.

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