Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Why I can't stop Ranting at age 94!

It's complicated, but I will try to be brief:

1.  At my age (et al), there are MANY things I can't do in an election that I think is RATHER critical..

2.  But because I was fortunate enough four years ago to be schooled in the use of modern social media, I was able to communicate rather effectively with thousands of YOUNG PEOPLE throughout the world in meaningful dialogue.  Most notably via Reddit's AMA Ask Me Anything.  

3.  Therefore, I have decided to not only start RANTING AGAIN (hopefully) daily, in the hope that I can continue to reach others.  Particularly those young people whose views may be contrary to mine in the hope that we might have a meaningful exchange .

4. And I trust it will be by all going to my RANT BLOG section, the "Comments",  since I am having problems with my new tablet and would like them all in one place.  However, I will continue to try to answer any question or thought I receive ANYWHERE. 


Here's a first thought.

Those at my age level (and even younger) have a tendency for young people to be too impatient for change. Yet I continue to be amazed at the change I have seen in my (brief lifetime) at the amount of social change I have seen.  While this is most notably seen in the gay/lesbian et al (I know) it is also true in many, many things from family structure to drinking fountains to climate change awareness.

So here is a quote in the Washington Posts editorial TODAY:

"Sander's speech was an invitation to his supporters to accept that gradualism in the pursuit of change is no vice."

Hope to see you on my Rant blog tomorrow.  I know there is a lot of HOPE expressed, but I remain an optimist.

Ron Lehker



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